Sail With EntrepreneurShip: Empowering Youth Through Social Entrepreneurship


Overview of the Project

Youth unemployment has been a persistent issue across Europe, with statistics from Eurostat indicating that the youth unemployment rate was 21.7% in July 2014, and while it decreased slightly to 18.6% by December 2016, the figures remain concerning. Countries like Greece, Spain, Italy, and Croatia recorded some of the highest rates, underscoring the urgent need for innovative solutions to address this challenge.

One of the most promising solutions to combat youth unemployment is entrepreneurship, particularly social entrepreneurship. Social entrepreneurship offers young people the opportunity to address social problems creatively, fostering the creation of alternative jobs and income streams. However, many young people lack the necessary skills and knowledge to successfully launch and sustain their own enterprises, which is where NGOs and similar organizations can play a crucial role.

The “Sail With EntrepreneurShip” Youth Exchange was designed to develop the social entrepreneurship skills of young people, providing them with the tools, knowledge, and experience needed to transform their ideas into viable social enterprises. This project aimed to equip youth leaders and volunteers, aged between 18-30, with the practical skills necessary to work with youth on social entrepreneurship and to help them run social enterprises within their organizations.

Objectives of the Project

The project was built in line with the objectives of the Erasmus+ Programme, and its primary goals were:

  1. Develop Key Skills: Enhance creative thinking, soft skills, financial management, strategic planning, and social entrepreneurship skills.
  2. Knowledge Transfer: Share knowledge and experiences on motivating young people to pursue entrepreneurial paths.
  3. Project Development: Offer a framework for developing, validating, and implementing social entrepreneurial projects.
  4. Support System: Explore practical ways to support young people in setting up social enterprises, considering legal, financial, management, and social requirements.
  5. Equip Youth Leaders: Provide youth leaders and volunteers with tools and methods designed to develop entrepreneurial skills.
  6. Innovation in Methods: Develop new methods and tools for working on social entrepreneurship.
  7. Experience Exchange: Facilitate the exchange of experience and expertise in social entrepreneurship among participants.
  8. Erasmus+ Opportunities: Inform participants about opportunities to develop new projects under the Erasmus+ Programme.

Project Details

The youth exchange took place in Nelijärve, Estonia, from May 24th to June 1st, 2018, with an APV (Advanced Planning Visit) meeting held in Tallinn from February 3rd to 6th, 2018. The project brought together 36 participants from various program countries, including Estonia, Lithuania, Italy, Bulgaria, Turkey, Romania, and the United Kingdom.

Methodologies and Activities

The working methodologies employed during the youth exchange were rooted in informal education, with a strong emphasis on experiential learning. The activities included:

  • Outdoor Activities: Engaging participants in exercises that connected them with nature while fostering teamwork.
  • Debates and Discussions: Encouraging critical thinking and the exchange of ideas on social entrepreneurship.
  • Creative Sessions: Utilizing creativity tools and brainstorming maps to generate and refine business ideas.
  • Role-Play and Simulation Games: Providing hands-on experience in entrepreneurial scenarios.
  • Business Model Canvas: Guiding participants through the development of their business concepts.
  • Meetings with Entrepreneurs: Offering real-world insights and inspiration from successful social entrepreneurs.
  • Erasmus+ Presentations: Informing participants about further opportunities within the Erasmus+ Programme.
  • Team-Building Activities: Strengthening the group dynamic and breaking down cultural barriers.
  • Inspirational Visits and Feedback Sessions: Reflecting on experiences and consolidating learning.

Impact and Results

The main outcome of the project was the implementation of activities on social entrepreneurship by the participants in their home countries. The project also aimed to enhance the ability of the participating organizations to provide competent information about social entrepreneurship. Additionally, the youth exchange contributed to improving the quality of youth activities and projects on both local and international levels, fostering new collaborations and partnerships.

My Contributions

As a participant in the Sail With EntrepreneurShip Youth Exchange, I had the privilege of collaborating with fellow participants from diverse cultural backgrounds. My contributions included:

  • Ideation and Development: I played a key role in the ideation and development of business concepts focusing on social entrepreneurship, utilizing the Business Model Canvas to structure and refine ideas.
  • Fostering Communication: I helped to overcome cultural and language barriers by encouraging open communication and collaboration among a group of over 35 participants, ensuring that everyone could contribute effectively.
  • Cross-Cultural Collaboration: By actively participating in discussions and activities, I contributed to a supportive and inclusive environment that enabled us all to learn from each other and grow as aspiring social entrepreneurs.

The “Sail With EntrepreneurShip” project was a transformative experience that not only equipped me with essential skills but also expanded my understanding of social entrepreneurship’s potential to drive positive change in our communities.