Exploring Inclusivity Through the Interstellar Inclusion


At the end of this year, I had the incredible opportunity to participate in the Interstellar Inclusion project, a Youth Exchange activity funded by the European Commission through the Erasmus+ programme. This project brought together 36 young people from six different countries for a unique, multicultural experience in Passignano sul Trasimeno, Italy, where we reflected on and learned about inclusive behaviors, empathy, and even astronomy.

What is Interstellar Inclusion?

Interstellar Inclusion was designed to address critical social issues such as xenophobia, racism, nationalism, and fear of the unknown—problems often rooted in a lack of understanding and empathy toward others. The project aimed to create a safe environment where participants from diverse backgrounds could come together to share experiences, learn from one another, and appreciate differences. By using the metaphor of an interstellar journey to a distant world with different societies, traditions, and cultures, the project helped us explore the main topic of inclusion in a creative and engaging way.

Aims and Objectives

The primary objectives of Interstellar Inclusion were to:

  • Promote a more inclusive and equal society, especially for migrants.
  • Involve people with fewer opportunities, including first and second-generation migrants.
  • Develop tools and best practices for understanding differences and fostering empathy.
  • Combat racism and xenophobia through peer-to-peer experiences.
  • Enhance intercultural awareness and cooperation.
  • Empower participants by developing teamwork skills, increasing employability, and promoting self-awareness.

In addition to these social objectives, the project also had an educational component, introducing us to the basics of astronomy and helping us draw parallels between the vastness of the universe and the diversity within our own societies.

My Contributions to the Project

Throughout the Interstellar Inclusion project, I actively engaged in various activities designed to foster understanding and combat racism and xenophobia. One of the highlights of my experience was collaborating in a theater performance alongside participants from different countries. Our performance addressed the challenges of accessing education in various societal contexts, shedding light on the inequalities many face around the world.

I also had the opportunity to create and edit a short film Slippers on the theme of Freedom. This project was particularly rewarding, as our film received the ‘Best Movie’ accolade among five nominated films. This recognition was a testament to the power of storytelling in promoting critical discussions on freedom and human rights.

Another significant contribution was delivering a presentation on migration in Turkey to an audience of over 30 young people from diverse backgrounds. This presentation allowed me to share insights into the complexities of migration in my country and foster a deeper understanding of these issues among my peers.

Celebrating our ‘Best Movie’ win for the short film on Freedom

Daily Activities and Learning Experiences

Our days were filled with a variety of non-formal education activities designed to enhance our learning and promote intercultural exchange. These included daily energizers, team-building exercises, intercultural nights, and reflection groups. We also engaged in video production, theater activities, and interactive discussions and debates, all of which culminated in a dissemination event in the town of Passignano sul Trasimeno.

In addition to the structured activities, we had the chance to explore the beautiful city of Perugia, where we experienced the local culture and history, further enriching our intercultural awareness.

Henna Night: A vibrant Turkish tradition filled with joy and cultural heritage


The Interstellar Inclusion Youth Exchange was more than just an educational program; it was a transformative experience that allowed us to challenge our preconceived notions, build lasting friendships, and develop a deeper understanding of the world around us. By participating in this project, I not only contributed to the promotion of inclusivity and empathy but also gained valuable skills and perspectives that will continue to shape my outlook on life and society.

This experience reaffirmed my belief in the power of collaboration and the importance of fostering inclusive communities, and I look forward to applying the lessons learned in future endeavors.